Sep 14Liked by Mike Zimmer

I have observed:

Bathtub racing- a sometime annual event from Nanaimo to Vancouver, B.C., with outboard motors.

Rubber duck racing- in the Cowichan River.

Staring contest- a sibling rivalry event in childhood.

Fake sword fighting- Didn't you ever watch Zorro on TV and imitate his moves?

The beer racing involves one beer after each lap of a quarter mile track so is far more efficient.

It is good to have creative sports- how would they have ever discovered Olympic rhythmic gymnastics or breakdancing without worldwide creativity?

I once possibly offended some Australian friends by separating such things as "Camp-follower games" as opposed to the traditional Greek events which were of martial merit . You can generally tell if they have scoring systems rather than results determined by "higher, faster, stronger".

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Nanaimo eh? Cowichan Valley eh? What can I say! No, the Nanaimo bar is not the high point of the culinary art, no matter what some folks may say.

Staring contest - I guess I would be a liar if I said that I had never done that.

Fake sword fighting? Well, I spent a lifetime learning how to hit people with sticks. Weird is it not?

Not sure about the beer bit; I prefer chocolate milk and running is hard on the joints.

I do have a brother who is a naturalized Ozzie citizen.

I remember "higher, faster, stronger" as being a catchphrase a few decades back.

The human life cycle:

We are born

Shit happens

We die.

The shit happens bit can get interesting. I suppose even ferret legging could help fill than part in. ;-)

Oh, I do own property in Nanaimo and Duncan is a nice little town with a nice little river.

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