Glenn is only really a fan of his own free speech. I sent him info that should have bought down the NZ PM at the time (John Key). But Glenn wasn’t interested in it and then sparred with me on Twitter a little before blocking me. Before that he'd talked Kim Dotcom (who is a bit of a charlatan nevertheless) out of taking the hollywood emails any further, another issue that would have taken John Key down.

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Very interesting. Sometimes people can be so right on some things, and so obtuse on others. As a veteran of the 9/11 dissidence movement, I saw it all of the time.

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The only thing that I can conclude was that Glenn did not want John Key bought down.

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Deity only knows. Why did Gnome Chumsky deny the revelations about the scamdemic?

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He denied 9/11 as well when it was clear to every man and his dog that something was not right.

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9/11? Yes, that is when Chomsky lost me as an admirer. Chomsky did some very good work in the past, but something changed. No idea why - was he always limited hangout? Hard to believe that he could let so much truth leak out in his early writings, and still be an intelligence asset. Was he threatened?

My "friend", ex journalist Barry Zwicker who did a lot of work on 9/11, once did a documentary on Chomsky. He later decided that Chomsky was a asset and wrote about it is his book on 9/11: Towers of Deception. https://www.amazon.ca/Towers-Deception-Media-Cover-up-9-11/dp/0865715734

Barry was much criticized for his conclusion, but it made sense - that is not to say Barry was correct, but it made sense. It certainly made me realize that, at the least, Chomsky had a major blind spot.

In terms of friendship with Barry, we corresponded, met once, talked on the phone once, so don't think I am claiming a deeper connection than that. However, what do you call that sort of thing? Colleague maybe?

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