NEW Discoveries and Digs at Pyramid Site of Abu Sir! More Ancient Egyptian Lost Technology...
NEW Discoveries and Digs at Pyramid Site of Abu Sir! More Ancient Egyptian Lost Technology... UnchartedX 505K subscribers
Note: The only rational position to take on this is that conventional explanations for Egyptian ruins and artifacts make absolutely no sense, and that conventional Egyptology seems to be driven by brain-dead dogma. Ben from Uncharted X makes no fantastical claims but reveals things that so far defy explanation. He points out the intellectual bankruptcy of the conventional perspective. He offers no grandiose hypotheses but presents evidence which defies any existing explanations.
150,877 views Oct 10, 2024
The Ancient Egyptian Old Kingdom Pyramid site of Abu Sir is rarely visited, closed to the public since 1907, yet contains almost endless examples of lost ancient technology, in the precision stonework and architecture found across the site. Recent excavations at Abu Sir have revealed some remarkable new details, more examples of advanced stonework, and connections to other, out-of-place artifacts found across Ancient Egypt. These connections lead to some startling possibilities of longer timelines and a lost ancient civilization. Join me as we get into the history of excavation and discovery on this site, and dive into the details of the new finds! Please consider supporting UnchartedX via the Value-for-Value model!