Did Political Theatre of Sexual Misconduct Allegations Pave Way to Implement Vaccine Mandates in Canadian Armed Forces?
July 13, 2024 By Ray McGinnis
Did Political Theatre of Sexual Misconduct Allegations Pave Way to Implement Vaccine Mandates in Canadian Armed Forces?
July 13, 2024
By Ray McGinnis
458 Canadian Armed Services personnel have launched a lawsuit against the Canadian military over the vaccine mandates. The plaintiffs’ lawyer, Catherine Christensen, spoke about the case at the Manitoba Stronger Together Conference in Beausejour, Manitoba, June 21-23. She stressed the foundation on which trust is built in the CAF: that “those in command will look out for the well-being of those who serve under them.” When the Trudeau government brought in vaccine mandates for civilians, they expected the same from the CAF.
Christensen, with Valour Legal Action Centre, in St. Albert (AB), said “Our military members were used to set an example for the population of Canada for a 100 percent vaccination rate come hell or high water. …the directives from the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) were not about stopping the spread or mitigating risk to the ranks or operational effectiveness. The Chief of Defence Staff stated the purpose is to show ‘leadership.’ That’s not the purpose of our armed forces, nor should it be.”
“The two Chiefs of Defence Staff ahead of this current service Chief of Defence Staff did not bring in a mandate. The documentation shows they were very aware it could not be done and no doubt understood the risks of a medical treatment decimating the entire Canadian military if something went wrong.” The C-19 vaccine trials were several months, compared to routine five-to-ten-year trials to document medium and long-term outcomes, and ensure safety.
In each case, when a senior CAF official stood in the way of giving the green light to vaccine mandates, they were removed under a cloud of sexual misconduct allegations.